March 26, 2013

Pumpkin Painter Mascot

Dear Pumpkin Painter Friends & Followers!
I herewith reveal our official Pumpkin Painter Mascot:



I hope you like my idea and figure for our mascot ;)
More detailed pictures will follow ...
With best wishes

March 25, 2013

Infinity WIPs Ariadna and Haqqislam


some Infinity Wips i want to show you

There is some work on the bases to do and the Miniatures needs some more Details.

best regards

March 24, 2013

Wood Elf Spellweaver

Hey everybody!

I'd like to show you one of my entries for Massivevoodoo's the Bananalicious contest. I started it on the last Massivevoodoo workshop in Vienna and finished it during our painting sessions.

I really like the atmosphere of the miniature and I love the dress. From the beginning I knew that her base had to be a forest setting and the wavy dress immediately reminded me of a spring.

So here she is!

March 22, 2013

Woodelves and more

posted by Androsch


I just took some photos of my recently finished Wood Elf units. Take a look:

And of course, some WIPs from my workbench...

A chaplain for the Blood Angels Army

A morat in the 40k universe ^^

And a fresh Wood Elf WIP

Good night,

March 21, 2013

Bananalicious Entries

Hey folks!

I didn't yet show my entries for Massivevoodoo's the Bananalicious contest. I painted two new miniatures for the historical category, alongside the seasoned veteran Franz Joseph, which I did some years ago. They somehow took the bronze medal in master.

Highlander - 70mm - Pegaso

The Emperor Franz Joseph - Scratchbuilt

British Officer - 70mm - Pegaso

All criticism is welcome and thx for voting!

March 19, 2013

Dark Elves Army


the last few days i was painting the first minis for my girlfriend´s dark elves army - She wants to start playing Warhammer with me and my friend because she likes the fantasy genre a lot and she likes the miniatures too.
The dark elves were the first miniatures i bought and the start of my painting hobby.
First i decolorized most of the miniatures and then i started painting them again in a darker
colour scheme. My goal is to paint a whole army in the next fiew months and here are the first impressions.



 Black Guard

best regards

March 16, 2013

KIDS Airbrush

Dear Painter Parents,

Today I went shopping with two of my sons and I explored some great tool for "KIDS Airbrushing":
It is quite easy to use, as you can see below and the kids love it extremely.
The kids are getting a real good experience regarding distance to paper and "how hard they have to blow" into the tube, to see the difference in the result.
A fantastic way to get a feeling of the world of Airbrush in an easy going way.

With best wishes

PS: The brand of the item is: colour workshop, BLO pens Magic

March 14, 2013

A necron lives forever - Morgaine birthday gift

Dear Pumpkin Painter Friends,

It took some time but now I am able to show a special birthday gift for our "Morgaine". I would like to wish you Morgaine once again "Happy Birthday" and many thanks for your great hospitality in all our Pumpkin Painter Evening Sessions.
AND - I am extremely happy that the gift mini is rated quite good at cmon ;)


March 10, 2013

WIP - Pumpkin Painter Mascot


Our pumpkin painter mascot is growing ...

Hope you like him!

best wishes
PS: ... sorry for the bad picture quality ...

March 03, 2013

Life isn't always fair - Knick Knack

Dear All,

I would like to introduce to you one of my best of classic animation movies
It is quiet old, therefore the quality is not the best.
But it is also an artefact of the history of pixar

I love the characters and the story and I am sure you will love it too!

March 01, 2013

Space Wolves Skyclaws


i´ve just finished another troop for my Space Wolves army. Five Skyclaws joined the
Hope you like it.

best regards