April 30, 2013

Alkemy Ogre


long time since my last post but i had much to do.
Today i´ve finished another project for the Duke of Bavaria.
I hope you like it.

best regards

April 17, 2013

Van Zant finished

Good Morning!!

I´ve got something finished again.
It is Van Zant from Infinity. I started with it a view weeks ago with the plan to
paint it for the gaming table. When i was finished with it i thougt that the gaming
table would not be the right place for it and found an old base that i´ve made long time ago.
I was very happy with the result when it was finished, but have a look on it.

best regards

April 14, 2013

Templar Knight


today i want to show you one of my latest projects - painted for the Golden Vinci Contest. It is the Templar Knight from Pegaso Models.
It is a 90mm miniature made of white metal. I´ve painted it with acrylics with the use of an air brush for all the bigger pieces like the shield or the cloak.
I hope you like it.

best regards

April 07, 2013

Baby Dragon - Birthday gift

During the last Pumpkin Painter Power Session I was creating a gift for my son's 5th birthday.
He really enjoys to paint by himself and he is joining me during a lot of my painting hours.
A few weeks ago I observed him beeing completely excited by watching a movie with a baby dragon.
Therefore I was screening for a mini of a baby dragon and I had good luck to find such a nice piece.

This was the first time for me that I built up a mini, the base and painted everything within one evening :)
The focus was to create a nice character for my son, and not a perfect blending ;)

I hope he loves the little baby dragon!

With best wishes

April 03, 2013

Infinity WIPs again


i want to show you a wip shot from my latest mini.
It is Van Zant from Infinity. The sculpt is inspired by the character Denton van Zan from
the movie Reign of Fire.
I hope you like it.

best regards